Listings expire after one year. Please submit a new listing request after that time.

Date Posted Unit Owned Week Owned Desires Week Owner Contact Notes
7/28/2023 2875 26 26 Jessica Hill
I would like to trade my Week 26 Unit 2875 for Week 26 Unit 2895. We also own Week 27 in Unit 2895 and I’d like to only have to unpack once. Thank you! I’m also open to trading our Week 26 unit 2875 for Week 28 Unit 2895.
1/7/2024 2894 41 11, 24-31 Kaye Thornton
Our kids are at an age where they can no longer miss a week of school, therefore need spring break or a week during the summer.
4/15/2024 2892 23 33 or 34 Steven Buyansky
5/28/2024 2873 18 18 Rebecca A Replogle
540.828.2675, Ext 1
We own Week 16 and Week 17 in Unit 2875, as well as Week 18 in Unit 2873 (two doors away). I would like to trade Week 18 in 2873 for Week 18 in 2875, so that we do not need to move. If whoever owns Unit 2875 during Week 18 is interested please contact me at either the email or phone above.
6/7/2024 2872 31 30 Carol Seifert